Tang Museum Exhibit: Entangle

The exhibit that intrigued me most what this interactive art piece called Entangled. The piece is a table with a table cloth made out of ties and a tie for each chair. Also, there is a switch with different colored lights to change the mood. The point of Entangled is to have people sit down, put on a tie, and start a conversion, and with the atmosphere and the lights, you're supposed to feel a certain way and partake in certain types of conversations. They also have certain nights where you could sign up for dinner parties, or meetings to sit at the table and get to know each other.

Entangled was created by Janine Antoni & Stephen Petronio. The table will be at the museum for a little while longer, but I do believe it is a traveling art exhibit. The staff at this museum was very informative and she did tell me a lot about the artists who created the piece and gave me some insight on how people are liking the exhibit.


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